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Title/Topic: Barangay Disaster Management

  1. General Course-Episode Outline:                                                                                    

          The adoption of the Philippine Disaster Reduction and Management Act (RA 10121)

shifted the policy direction and environment of the government and country from mere response to preparedness. The law further inhibits the full participation of the Local Government Units (LGUs) and communities in governance, but at the same time encourages the active participation of NGOs, private sectors, community-based organizations, and community members in disaster management.

Moreover, RA 10121 establishes in every barangay of the country a Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committee (BDRRMC) headed by the Punong Barangay.

The BDRRMC “shall be responsible for setting the direction, development, implementation and coordination of disaster risk management programs within their territorial jurisdiction” (Sec. 12).

Additionally, the BDRRMC shall organize, train and directly supervise the local emergency response teams and accredited community disaster volunteers (ACDVs) as provided in letter (b) of Section 12. Finally, the BDRRMC shall perform several functions with impartiality given the emerging challenges brought by disasters of our times (Letter c, Section 12, RA 10121).

          This webinar episode seeks to discuss comprehensively the nature, mandate, responsibilities and functions of the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committee (BDRRMC). As well as to illustrate to the viewer, why are Barangay officials considered to be the first line of defense and immediate responder during calamities and disasters in their area of responsibility within the context of local governance as provided for in RA 7160.

  1. Intended Course-Episode Learning Outcomes:
  1. Be familiar with the general policies and framework of the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management System including essential concepts and related agencies or institutions of Government.
  2. Understand the inter-relationship and levels of coordination between the national agencies and LGUs and among various levels of Local Government Units (LGUs) in the implementation of the policies and direction of Disaster Management in the country.
  3. Comprehend the mandate, responsibilities and functions of the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committee (BDRRMC) and their role as frontliners and first responders during calamities and disasters in their area of responsibility within the context of local governance as provided for in RA 7160.
  • Course-Episode Objectives:

This Course-Episode seeks to address the following answer the following issues?

  1. What are the major concepts and their definitions as provided for in RA 10121 (Section 3) as applied in Philippine Disaster scenario?
  1. What are the major policies of the Philippine Government with respect to Disaster Management? What is the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework in the country?
  1. What are the role, responsibilities and function and of the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committee (BDRRMC) in the implementation of the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction Management System in their Barangay?
  1. Course-Episode Relation to Rex’s Edukampyon principles and objectives:

This webinar course-episode is related on the Whole School Approach (WSA) which among other emphasizes that learning involves not only the school but the community as well. Realistically, such community and school are just but institutions in a bigger unit such as a local government unit whose affairs are managed and implemented by formal structure and led by those chosen by the residents therein.

Moreso, this webinar course episode is focused on the “gatekeepers” of education in the community and the nation in general. It further illustrates the critical relationship among the stakeholders (duty bearers) and the gatekeepers of education in providing the best possible learning experience for our children and the youth.

  1. Mechanics of the Course- Episode:

The webinar will run for One (1) Hour and Thirty (30) Minutes and shall be divided into three (3) sections: The Resource Learning Section,  2nd is the exemplification portion (best practices cases) and the 3rd is a Question and Answer (Q & A) portion.

  1. The Resource Learning Section provides for a main speaker that will

seek to elucidate on the objectives and learning outcomes as previously enumerated. The main speaker shall be provided a time allocation of forty-five (45) Minutes and has the option to utilize the zoom platform either through recording or in-person lecture.  The Center for Local Governance shall coordinate with the main speaker on what platform and format he/she wishes to convey the learnings.

For this course-episode, the main speaker will be the:


Local Government Operations Officer V

Disaster Risk Reduction Focal Person

National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO)

Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)

  1. The Exemplification Portion will include LGU Exemplars (Best

Practices) which implemented outstanding programs, projects & activities in ensuring continuity in learning within the community.

          This portion will include three (3) LGU exemplars which will be allocated Ten (10) Minutes each for a total of thirty (30) minutes. Each LGU exemplar documentation will include a formal greeting of the respective Local Chied executive (LCE), a recording of the designated/assigned implementor and related pictures, video and similar materials on the case study.

          The following are the Barangay exemplars in this course-episode:


Barangay Chairman

Barangay Pagas

Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija


Barangay Chairman

Barangay Matatalaib

Tarlac City, Tarlac


Barangay Chairwoman

Barangay 178

Caloocan City

Mechanics for the Exemplars:

  • Each Barangay Exemplar shall be allotted a total of Ten (10) Minutes.
  • The details and substance of the exemplary program/project/activity (PPA) shall be presented by the Barangay Chairman/ Punong Barangay.
  • All presentation under this portion (Exemplary Best Practices) are to recorded and submitted to REX Edukampyon Staff for lay-out and editing
  • All Barangay exemplars shall be invited in the subject webinar episode to access the final and official product/version.
  1. The Question & Answer (Q & A) Portion will be allotted fifteen (15)

Minutes to be presided upon by the webinar host.

  1. Reference Materials:
  • Republic Act (RA) 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code (LGC) of 1991
  • Republic Act (RA) 10121, also known as the, “An Act Strengthening the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management System, providing for the National Disaster Risk Reduction And Management Framework and Institutionalizing The National Disaster Risk reduction and Managemenent Plan, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes”

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Fairview Quezon City

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